What's up everyone! Well it's been a while sine I wrote anything on here since I have been extremely busy. I will be moving n NJ in 3-4 weeks, so I been trying to get things situated. Well today I woke up took my multi vitamins, fish oil, and Gamma Labs Gamma-O testosterone booster which Gamma Labs has sent me for free to review and log. I also took Giant Sports delicious vanilla protein which this company has also sent to me for free to review and log. I wanna thank these two companies for the opportunity! I ate oatmeal and had the carbs and protein to hit the gym up!
As usual I stretched before I started any weight training! and also had a bottle of water which I refill and drink about a gallon. (Stretching and hyrdation is extremely important).
I'm gonna type up today's workout! ( I used a weight belt in all these exercises to prevent back injury, but if you have bad form and posture then the belt is useless! Make sure your form and posture is done right to prevent injury)
Smith Machine Squats 7 sets (20,15,12,10,10,10,10)
Dumbbell Lunges 4 sets (15,15,15,10) on each leg! So one leg gets 15 reps and so will the other leg!
Romanian Deadlifts 3 sets (10,10,10)
Standing Calf Raises 4 sets (15,15,15,20)
Sitting Calf Raises 3 sets (15,15,20)
Leg Extension Machine 3 sets (12,12,12)
Seated Leg Curl Machine 4 sets (10,12,12,15)
Well this is the workout I did today. Remember to increase weight after each set! Use weights that your comfy with and won;t ruin you posture or form! Squeeze the muscle on every REP!!!! And have something to consume after working out (Protein shake) because you will need to replenish your energy and help recover the muscle fibers you have broken down.