Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Building shoulder's of a greek god.

Well today is another day another muscle trained. Today I woke up early and trained shoulders and traps. I have a bad right shoulder (AC JOINT) which really limits me in range of motion and strength, but I work around it. I don't go to heavy since I got the injury but I try to concentrate on the shoulders and push out a good number of repetitions while squeezing the muscle. I started the morning with a protein shake and I would of made oatmeal but I was in a rush. As soon as I got to the gym I began with stretches and just getting my blood to start pumping and circulating.

Side Delt raises: 3 sets of 15,15,Failure

Front Delt raises: 3 sets of 15,15,Failure

Sitting Rear Delt raises: 3 sets of 15,12,Failure

Hammer Strength Shoulder Presses: 3 sets of 15,15,Failure

Dumbbell Shrugs: 3 sets of 15,15,15

Leg Raises (Abs): 3 sets of 30! 

This isn't a lot but if you can work this right then it should be enough! Remember to squeeze and have a good form while supporting yourself and the weight. I see way to many people in the gym with horrible form and pushing way to much weight which messes up their form and can't support themselves, resulting in an injury and not targeting the muscle. Stay hydrated and stretch! Remember don't go to the gym with the ego of a bad ass because you will  only embarrass yourself. I get a lot of people who come to me saying they can lift more weight than me. I just sit there with a smile on my face because while your there breaking your back, Im doing weight I can handle and have great form and resulting in the physique I have now ( I'm not perfect but I got a decent physique).  Stay safe! 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Back in NJ!! Today I pumped my arms!!

What's up everyone!!!! Long time since I've updated this site. Well I'm now back in NJ currently getting myself together. I've been hitting the gym pretty hard with the help of my cousin Michael W. Marcano. I've have been setting my eyes on competing in Men's Physique by next year but let's see what happens. Today was a nice arm day for me and I left the gym with my veins popping out my bicep's and sore tricep's. I took my protein shake in the morning and after my workout. Remember to stay hydrated and stretch!!! 

Arms! workout layout

Tricep Cable pull down's: 3 sets of 15,15,Failure (Go till you can't no more)

Preacher Curl Machine: 3 sets of 15,12,Failure (Go till you can't no more)

Tricep Rope pull down's: 3 sets of 15,15, Failure (Go till you can't no more)

E-Z Bar Curls: 3 sets of 15,12,Failure (Go till you can't no more)

Tricep Push Down machine: 3 sets of 15,12,15

Dumbbell Curls:  3 sets of 15,15,Failure

Tricep Dumbbell overhead extensions: 3 sets of 12,12,12

Bicep Cable Curls: 3 sets of 15,12,10

I used the Bicep, Tricep, Bicep ,Tricep technique to even out my arms. So far I've gotten a better result when I have my cousin around to help me push out those last reps which will target those muscle fibers. When I wrote hitting the last set till failure it means to hit that set hard with control! You keep going till you feel you can;t anymore, Once you reach this level where you can't push anymore, you push out  1-2 more reps!!!! Remember it's not how much weight you can lift, it's about having a good weight where you can control it without  struggle and maintain proper form. If your struggling and have bad form not only will you be subjected to an injury but you will fail at targeting the muscle you want to hit. Anyways thank you for reading and coming soon I will post pictures of the exercises performed. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Trying to build tree trunk legs!

What's up everyone! Well it's been a while sine I wrote anything on here since I have been extremely busy. I will be moving n NJ in 3-4 weeks, so I been trying to get things situated. Well today I woke up took my multi vitamins, fish oil, and Gamma Labs Gamma-O testosterone booster which Gamma Labs has sent me for free to review and log. I also took Giant Sports delicious vanilla protein which this company has also sent to me for free to review and log. I wanna thank these two companies for the opportunity! I ate oatmeal and had the carbs and protein to hit the gym up! 

As usual I stretched before I started any weight training! and also had a bottle of water which I refill and drink about a gallon. (Stretching and hyrdation is extremely important).

I'm gonna type up today's workout! ( I used a weight belt in all these exercises to prevent back injury, but if you have bad form and posture then the belt is useless! Make sure your form and posture is done right to prevent injury)

Smith Machine Squats 7 sets (20,15,12,10,10,10,10)

Dumbbell Lunges 4 sets (15,15,15,10) on each leg! So one leg gets 15 reps and so will the other leg!

Romanian Deadlifts 3 sets (10,10,10)

Standing Calf Raises 4 sets (15,15,15,20)

Sitting Calf Raises 3 sets (15,15,20)

Leg Extension Machine 3 sets (12,12,12)

Seated Leg Curl Machine 4 sets (10,12,12,15)

Well this is the workout I did today. Remember to increase weight after each set! Use weights that your comfy with and won;t ruin you posture or form! Squeeze the muscle on every REP!!!! And have something to consume after working out (Protein shake) because you will need to replenish your energy and help recover the muscle fibers you have broken down.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Moving of out Florida soon!

Well guys I'm moving out of Florida soon maybe in the next month or so and I will look for personal training job back at home in NJ. I will also be able to take pictures and demonstrate the exercises since I will be working out with my cousin. Sorry for the delay's I will be back really soon!

Friday, August 3, 2012

What's up guys

What's up everyone! Once again i have been back tracked and I apologize for not posting and recent posts I have been really busy working on my car and my neighbors car. From there I go to the gym and by that time I come home, shower and then go to sleep. But we are about done with the cars so I will be back on this. Please refer to later posts. I still follow the same routines but I just tweak them a little from week to week.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Chiseling Chest

What's up everyone! Well today was my first day to getting back into the routine. Today I worked on chest along with half of America who usually does chest on Monday.  I worked on the upper part of my pecs today since I need a little more mass. I got to the gym and started of with stretching out my chest and warming up my shoulders (Rotator Cuff). After stretching and warming up I did a set of push ups to get my blood running.

Incline Dumbbell Presses: 4 sets of 15,12,8 Dropset 10

Flat Dumbbell Presses: 4 sets of 12,10,8 Dropset 8

Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets of 10,10,10

Incline Hammer Strength Chest Press: 3 sets of 12,8,6 (My shoulder wasn't to good on this exercise so I went alittle easy on this one)


Hammer Strength Chest Press: 2 sets of 12,10


Pec Deck Flyes: 3 sets of 12,10,8

Cable flyes: 3 sets of 12,10,8

Well this is what I accomplished today. My rotator cuff wasn't on my side today but I managed to get my workout in. Remember!!! to squeeze your chest at it's peak of the exercise and do your sets till failure. Stay hydrated and eat something within 45 mins after your workout.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Back in the routine with back

What's up everyone! Today I went in to do back. Again I took today as a light workout since I been gone a week from the gym. Today I usually do Abs and Cardio but since I missed back on Tuesday and I lack in back I decided to do it today. Next week I will get back into the normal routine.

When I got to the gym I loaded my bottle with water as I always do. Hydration is really important when it come's to being in the gym. Keep's your muscle looking filled and replaces the fluids your losing by sweating and it's just good for the health. After I got my water I went and stretched for 2-3 mins. After I was done stretching I went into my routine.

Warm up: 20 pullups

Seated Lat Pull Downs: 4 sets of 15,12,10 Dropset 10

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Rows Machine: 3 sets of 12,10,10

Bent Over T-Bar Rows: 2 sets of 15,12

Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral High Pull Downs: 3 sets of 12,10,8

Bent Over Barbell Rows: 3 sets of 12,10,8

Cable Rows: 3 sets of 12,10,8

This is the workout I did today for back. Like I said I went light today to get my body back in the routine. I would off added calf workouts but the machines were taken. Remember to contract the muscle to feel the burn and to dig into those muscle fibers. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shoulder's are exhausted

What's up everyone! Well I'm back from the mini vacation I had away from the gym from working on my car to having little side jobs here and there. Today I woke up and had my protein shake with slices of bananas and a bowl of oatmeal. I waited about an hour to let my food settle and I drank my pre-workout and then I was off to the gym.

I got to the gym and I started up with stretching and the warming up my right shoulder with exercises my physical therapist showed me to get my rotator cuff going. Then I went straight to the workouts.

Side Lateral Raises: 4 sets of 12,10,10,8

Front Lateral Raises (Dumbbell): 3 sets of 12,10,8

Front Lateral Raises (Cable&Rope): 3 sets of 12,10,8

Upright EZ Bar rows: 3 sets of 12,10,8

Shoulder Shrugs (Dumbbells): 4 sets of 12,10,8 DropSet 10

This is the workout I did today. I didn't add more exercise because I just got back into he routine and I wanna start off easy so by next week I should be back in my normal routine. It allows my body to get adjusted again. Anyways stay hydrated and stretch!!!! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sorry Again!!

I've been really busy working on my car and barely have time to type. I will update soon. Thank You

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Working on Lat's/Back

What's up everyone! Well today was back day and it actually went smooth. The gym was empty when I arrived so I didn't have to wait for any machines or worry about being crowed into a little space. I took my morning protein shake (I missed my breakfast which was going to be oatmeal but the shake should make up for it).  I took  a Fish oil and Vitamin C tablet also.

 I got to the gym and filled up my water bottle ( I drink atleast a gallon a day) and then I started of with my stretches. After stretching for about 2 mins I performed 15 pull-ups to get my blood running through my body. Then it was off to exercising.

My first workout was Lat Pulldowns I did 4 sets of 15,12,10 Dropset 10

Second exercise is Bent over rows with a T-Bar I did 3 sets of 15,12,8 

Next was Seated Row Machine I performed 3 sets of 12,10,8

Seated Cable Rows and I did 3 sets of 15,12,10

I used the Hammer Strength Back Pullover machine and did 3 sets of 12,10,8

Last was Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown I did 3 sets of 12,10,8

In all this was my workout for today I usually add bent over rows with a dumbbell but I'm going to switch it up every week to confuse my body. Doing the same exercise over and over and over your body will start to recognized your routine and soon or later you will hit a plateau which means your body basically hit a stage where is just stop growing. So you can workout out for weeks but then stop seeing results. To stop this you need to change up your routine and let your body keep guessing. 

Remember to stay hydrated and rest in between sets and push yourself while working out and do sets usually the last set to failure (till your muscle can't lift anymore).

NOTE::::: Dropset is a technique for continuing an exercise with a lower weight once muscle failure has been achieved at a higher weight. <--------- I got this from Wikipedia. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sorry I havent posted in a couple of day's

I have been alittle busy. Now I'm back on track and ready to start updating again.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July Arms!

What's up everyone! I just wanna start off by saying happy 4th of July to everyone. I hope all of you enjoy your day and stay safe!. Anyways today's agenda was Arm's. Lucky it is a holiday and the gym was empty. I woke up a little late today but managed to make a protein shake and a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I waited about an hour to let all that settle in my stomach before I headed to the gym. 

I got to the gym and realized I left my water bottle at home. Got me a little mad but I just compromised by just walking my lazy self to the water fountain in between exercises. So I started of as always stretching for a couple of minutes to get loosened up.  Then I started my rotator cuff exercises to warm up which my physical therapist recommended and showed me how to do. After this I went to my routine and I started of with Tricep's first.

I started of with Tricep Rope Pull Down's I did 4 sets of 15,12,10 Drop set 12

Then I went to Skull Crushers I did 4 sets of 12,10,6 Drop Set 15

Next was Tricep Cable Kick Backs I did 3 sets of 12,10,10

After this I went to Seated Tricep Over head Dumbbell extension. I did 3 sets of 15,12,10

After this I was done with Triceps and I went on to Biceps.

First Bicep workout was Preacher Curls. I did 4 sets of 12,10,6 Drop Set 6

Next was seated Dumbbell Biceps curls. I did 3 sets of 15,12,10 and SuperSet it wil a set of Hammer curls

Next was Bicep Cable Hammer Rope Curls. I did 3 sets of 15,12,10

My final Bicep exercise was Double bicep cable curls. I did 5 sets of 15,12,10 Drop Set 12 and the last one was 9 which I concentrated on the negative (Lowering/Returning the weight back in it's starting position very slowly) portion.

After Biceps I did Fore Arms. I did  Fore Arm Curls (palms up &palms down) I did 3 sets of 15,15,15

Anyways I was gonna add Ab's into the routine but I was really tired and I really didn't want to come to the gym today but I can't go through the day normally if the gym wasn't part of the day so I went. I will make up ab's twice as hard tomorrow along with a leg workout.

NOTE: Remember to always Squeeze!!!! your biceps  at the peak of the exercise. After your done working out your arms will look swollen and you will feel it. Have something in your stomach after your workout preferably a Protein shake!  


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I've picked up a lot of knowledge over the years about fitness and it's benefits. I started off by just walking around in the gym and using every machine in the gym. I had no idea what I was doing but I did it. I then started reading articles in the internet and just taking my time reading and absorbing a lot of info about how exercises work, what part of the body the exercise is targeting and how they should be performed. Sometimes I would learn from the people that go to my gym. A lot had a number of years of experience in the gym and built their bodies over time. They would explain to me if I'm doing the exercise wrong or if I should tweak the exercise a little. These are the times when you just gotta learn when to shut up and just take the wisdom from people. There are a lot of people that are out to help. Just don't try to think your better than them because you just started lifting or for some other reason. But in all I just wrote this little post to explain how I got my knowledge in lifting and building my body. Don't get me wrong I'm still learning and I still have people give me advice. No one is perfect and information is always out there and it's constantly updating. 

Back Day!

What's up everyone?? Well today was a great day at the gym and I worked on Back today. As always I started my day off with a protein shake and a bowl of oatmeal to give me the protein and carbs I need to fuel my muscles throughout the workout.  So after about an hour and a half I took my pre-workout drink to get me pumped. I would name the company and name of the pre workout I take but since none of them are sponsoring me I will not name them. 

So I packed my bag and was off to the gym in this Florida heat. When I got to the gym I filled up my water bottle (STAY HYDRATED!!!) and went off to stretch. After stretching I did a set of pull-ups and I managed to do 20 pull-ups without my shoulder's killing me. After pull-up I went straight to my routine.

First exercise is Lat Pulldowns. I start of very light to get me warmed up then add weight to perform to failure. I did 5 sets of 20,15,12,10,10

Next is Bent Over T-Bar Rows I did 3 sets of 15,12,10
                                                                (BENT OVER T-BAR)

Then I went to Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral Rowing machine I did 4 sets of 15,12,12,10 (I ended up doing Drop Sets For this one)

                                               (HAMMER STRENGTH ISO-LAT ROW)

NOTE:: Sorry after these exercises I got to much into my workouts I forgot to take more pictures. If anything you can type up the exercise/machine in google and it will generate how the exercise/machine looks like.

My next exercise is Sitting Cable Rows I performed 3 sets of 12,10,8

Next is Hammer Strength Iso-Lateral High Row Pull Down Machine I did 3 sets of 15,12,10

Next is Bent over barbell rows. I did 3 sets of 15,12,12

My final exercise is One Arm Dumbbell Rows. 3 sets of 12,12,12

I would usually do DeadLifts but I decided to do Bent Over T-Bars one week and DeadLifts another week and just keep switch off like that to keep my body guessing.

I also added Calfs today since I do Calfs 2-3 times a week. So I did 3 sets of 15,15,15 Standing Calf Raises.

In all remember to squeeze your back to get the full workout and full stretch almost locking your elbows as you  return the weights back to the beginning position to get the full workout. Stay hydrated and make sure you have some type of protein and carbs after your done working out. Your body needs to recover!! Maintain a proper diet and keep up the good work!

Monday, July 2, 2012


What's up everyone?? Well today was an alright day at the gym. I went a little late then usual and I try to avoid going late especially on Monday's because everyone gets out of work and the gym become  really packed. So because the gym was extremely packed today I couldn't take any pictures of the equipment but next time I will. So before going to the gym I drank a protein shake mixed with peanut butter then waited about an hour and drank my pre-work out.

I got to the gym and stretched alittle bit and began my rotator cuff warm up exercises to loosen my shoulder's due to this injury I got. Make sure to warm up your rotator cuff before training chest.

Chest Workout

I started off with Incline Dumbbell Press. I did 4 sets of 15,12,10,8

Normal Bench Press With Dumbbells. I did 3 sets of 12,10,8

I went back to Incline and did I performed Incline Dumbbell Flyes 3 sets of 10 (I didn't want to stress my shoulders that much so I didn't push that hard)

I then went to the Pec Dec Fly Machine and did 3 sets of 12,12,12

Cable Flyes was next with 3 sets of 12,10,8

My final workout was Hammer Press machine and I did 3 sets of 12,10,8

At times I will do Push ups in between each exercise and get my chest pumped.

In all make sure that you SQUEEZE your chest at the peak of the exercise! This will stimulate the muscle to actually put in work. Make Sure when your are benching to squeeze your shoulders back together and arc your back just a little. This will take shoulders out of the workout and concentrate on the chest. Remember to use weight you can handle and make sure you perform the workouts till failure.

Anyways if you guys have any questions just feel free to leave a comment. Thanks

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rest Day!

Well today is Sunday and it's my day off from the gym. I need to let my body recover from the workout I did this week. Usually people take two days off but I usually add an extra day of just ab's and cardio so I consider that a partial day off since I really don't push myself that hard on this day. But rest is really important in aiding in muscle recovery and gains. During a workout your actually damaging muscle fibers. During recovery you let your muscles recover and repair promoting muscle growth. Make sure to maintain a proper diet. I'm not going to lie, right now I'm in my bulking stage and sometimes I sneak in dirty food but that's because of money situation and I'm on a budget and eat healthy can be alittle expensive (But I'm not telling you to eat dirty either this can ruin your routine and I'm in pretty good shape). But I always have my usual foods. Tuna fish, Sweet Potato, Chicken breast, Turkey breast and my veggies. I never cook any of my foods with oil unless it's coconut oil. Neither do I cook it with butter. Make sure to stay hydrated all day and just enjoy your day off and stretch out alittle bit.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A touch of Ab's

Today was a fairly good easy day at the gym today. The weather out here in Florida was extremely hot today so everyone was at the beach today. That meant the gym was empty today and when I got there it was! Today's agenda is ab's. I started of with stretching the body for about 5 mins to loose up my joints.

First exercise I jumped into was Pull-Ups I performed 2 sets of 20 pull ups to get the blood flowing.

I then did Leg Raises which target the lower ab's. I did 3 sets of 20 reps.(I did leg raises on the cable rows bench) 
                                                  (Cable Row Bench I used to do leg raises)

Then I performed Ab Crunches on the Ab Crunches Bench. I did 3 sets of 30 reps with 10lbs.
                                             (Ab Crunch Bench or Machine) I forget the name

After this exercise I went back and did another set of Pull-ups. Along with leg raises on the pull-up bar.
NOTE: Remember to contract or flex those ab's while your at the peak of the movement in that exercise you performing. Remember to breathe!

 I then moved on to Leg Raises again on the leg raise machine. I did 3 sets of 20 reps. So I did 20,20,20.
                                                               (Leg Raises Machine)

After all this I did one final set of pull-ups then did 60 push-ups and then I was done for the day.
I went home made a protein shake and then made a chicken breast wrapped with a tortilla and ate a can on tuna so far.

Some picture's after the workout.

I was going to do cardio today but I'm still in my bulking stage so I really don't hit cardio until I start my cutting stage and carb depletion.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Building Mountains Out Of My Shoulders!

Today was a pretty good shoulder day for me. I woke up and as usual  I had my morning protein shake along with oatmeal and a banana (I forgot to add the banana slices into my shake so I just ate one). Then after an hour or so I took my pre-work out drink to get me a little more pumped at the gym today. Yesterday's leg day got me really tired and I woke up with sore legs.

As I got to the gym I went and filled up my water bottle (STAY HYDRATED!!). I drink at least a gallon of water in the gym. Then I proceeded to stretching especially during shoulder day. I've messed up my right shoulder and stretched a ligament a little to much and now I gotta live with it from what my physical therapist told me. So to avoid injury please stretch and warm up. So I stretched for 5 mins and proceeded to do rotator cuff warm up exercises with a 5lbs dumbbell. I usually do 2 sets of 15 reps.

After warming up I go straight to pumping the weights.

My first workout is Front Delt Raises. I do 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps. (Dumbbells)

Second exercise is Side Delt Raises. As above I do 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps.(Dumbbells)

Third I go to the Side Shoulder Raises Machine. I perform 4 sets of 15,12,10,8.

Fourth I work on traps and let my delts rest alittle. I do Dumbbell Shrugs. 3 sets of 15,12,12 

After that I go and do Shrugs with the smith machine. 3 sets of 15,12,10

Then back to delts. Bent-over delt raises with the cable machine.(Targets the rear delts). I do 3 sets of 12,10,8

For my final shoulder workout I did Military presses with dumbbells. I did 3 sets of 12,12,10

After all this I stretched a little more then went to abs. 

I used the ab crunch machine or bench (I forgot the name) and I did 3 sets of 30 crunches with 15lbs.(Make sure you breathe and contract or flex your abs while doing this.)

In all I had a pretty good workout tomorrow when I wake up I will feel it in my shoulders and traps. Make sure to also contract that muscle you are working on to hit those muscle fibers. Stay hydrated and stretch. (Sorry there is no pictures I'm still working on it. Just type in the exercise in google and it will generate pictures of how the exercise or machine looks like).

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Legs Day!!!! My energy is drained.

Today I worked on legs which I train the hardest out of my entire body and also requires a lot of energy. I woke up today and as always I make a protein shake with 2 scoops and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a couple of slices of bananas. I also took my tablets which is Fish oil and Vitamin C. I waited 2 hours and then made some oatmeal with another spoon of peanut butter mixed in to get my carbs and protein before I went to the gym since legs in my opinion is really demanding and require a lot of energy. As soon I got to the gym I stretched my entire body for about 5 mins and loosened my joints to prevent injury. Sorry in advance if the pics came out alittle small or blurry I'm just showing you what the machines look like.

My first exercise is Leg Extension I perform 4 sets of 15,15,12,10 reps
                                                              (LEG EXTENSION)
After this I do Leg Curls and perform the same amount of sets as leg extensions 4 sets of 15,15,12,10
Sorry I didn't get to take a picture of this machine because someone was already waiting to use the machine so I didn't want to bother but next time I'll have a pic.

Leg extensions and Leg curls are little warm up sets for the bigger and more demanding exercises. I use these two machines to warm up my hamstrings and quads as well as my knees.After I'm done with these two exercises I stretch for about 2 mins then move on.

My next exercise is Legs Presses. I perform 4 sets of 20,15,15,10
                                                                (LEG PRESSES)

Usually after this exercise my energy is gone. I do heavy weight on this machine but heavy enough for me to handle. Never do weights that your body cant handle or can't atleast perform 8 reps. Remember form is more important than weight.

After leg presses I go on to squats and execute 4 sets of 15,15,10,8 (SORRY NO PICTURE EITHER)
Usually after this exercise I take 2 minutes to rest due to it being really energy draining.Then I stretch alittle more because by this time my legs are sore and begin to tense up alittle.

After I stretch I go on to standing calf raises and perform 4 sets of 15,15,15,12
                                                                (STANDING LEG RAISES)

After this I go straight to lying leg curls and do 3 sets of 12,10,10
                                                            (LYING LEG CURLS)

Once I'm done with this exercise I stretch one final time and usually add alittle ab's workout in but today I went alittle heavy since I added more weight this week so I will make ab's up tomorrow after my shoulder's training. I came home and made a protein shake with banana slices to aid with recovery. Then while I made my shake I made two pieces of chicken breast. For dinner I am not sure yet.

But in all this is the workout I had today. Legs are a tough part to work on so make sure you have enough carbs to burn before working out and make sure you stretch,stretch,stretch!!! and as always rest between each set and workout and stay hydrated!!! If you have any questions just leave a comment and I'll be happy to help out.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Arm's are swole after today!

I woke up today drank a cup of water along with one fish oil tablet and Vitamin C tablet. I made a protein shake mixed in with 2 scoops of peanut butter and couple of slices of bananas. The protein contains 24g of protein per scoop so I used two scoops. I mixed all this with milk because I’m bulking up (gaining weight). When I’m cutting up I will use water. After that I went off to the gym.
Today I worked on my arms (Biceps and Triceps). I started out with a shoulder warm up due to my shoulder injury. Make sure to always warm up and stretch before executing any exercise. Warming up will loosen the joints and also prevent injury. After my shoulder warm up I went straight to Triceps first since I need a lot more work on tri’s then bi’s. My first exercise was Skull Crushers. I performed 4 sets of reps of 15,12,10,8. The first set(15reps) is my warm up set so I won’t go heavy. After skull crushers I went and performed Triceps pull downs 3 sets containing 12,10,8 reps. Once I finished this exercise I went on to tricep dumbbell kick backs which I used a 30lbs dumbbell and did 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps. After this I went on to tricep overhead dumbbell extensions and I used 85lbs,90lbs,95lbs dumbbell to do 3 sets of 15,12,12. This is my tricep workout for today then I moved on to biceps.
NOTE: In between every set I rest for no more than 1 min. You have to let your body recover for a bit before doing another set unless you are supersetting.
For biceps I did bicep curls sitting down using dumbbells 45lbs,50lbs,55lbs doing 4 sets of 15,12,10,10. After curls I used the EZ bar to perform more curls and did  3 sets of 12,10,8. Using the EZ bar rather then a straight bar in my opinion works alot better. I feel my biceps targeted  a lot harder in the muscle fibers rather than using a straight bar. Then I went on to hammer curls which I just did one set with a 35lbs dumbbell just to get the blood rushing alittle more. After that I was done for the day and went home and immediately made another protein shake to help my muscle’s out with recovery since the muscle is being broken down during training you need a supplement to help feed the muscles immediately so fast acting carbs will also help in this process. Tomorrow is leg day!
NOTE: Make sure with every exercise you perform you SQUEEZE!!!! the muscle your working on. This will help in targeting the muscle deep in the fibers which aid in muscle growth. Make sure you use proper form. You can lift all the weight in the world but poor form can cause injury and will not help you in growing. Anyways I’ll try to make my next post alittle more organized. This was my first post.

What's Up Everyone!

My name is Edwin Soto and this is my first fitness blog. I’m mainly going to blog about the workout’s I’m going to perform that day and if I have time I will add some of the meals I prepare and eat. Fitness has turned into a lifestyle and I want to compete in men’s physique competition. I got a long road ahead of me. Anyways I just want to thank everyone who come’s by and visits my blog just leave a comment if you have any questions.