Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Arm's are swole after today!

I woke up today drank a cup of water along with one fish oil tablet and Vitamin C tablet. I made a protein shake mixed in with 2 scoops of peanut butter and couple of slices of bananas. The protein contains 24g of protein per scoop so I used two scoops. I mixed all this with milk because I’m bulking up (gaining weight). When I’m cutting up I will use water. After that I went off to the gym.
Today I worked on my arms (Biceps and Triceps). I started out with a shoulder warm up due to my shoulder injury. Make sure to always warm up and stretch before executing any exercise. Warming up will loosen the joints and also prevent injury. After my shoulder warm up I went straight to Triceps first since I need a lot more work on tri’s then bi’s. My first exercise was Skull Crushers. I performed 4 sets of reps of 15,12,10,8. The first set(15reps) is my warm up set so I won’t go heavy. After skull crushers I went and performed Triceps pull downs 3 sets containing 12,10,8 reps. Once I finished this exercise I went on to tricep dumbbell kick backs which I used a 30lbs dumbbell and did 3 sets of 12,10,8 reps. After this I went on to tricep overhead dumbbell extensions and I used 85lbs,90lbs,95lbs dumbbell to do 3 sets of 15,12,12. This is my tricep workout for today then I moved on to biceps.
NOTE: In between every set I rest for no more than 1 min. You have to let your body recover for a bit before doing another set unless you are supersetting.
For biceps I did bicep curls sitting down using dumbbells 45lbs,50lbs,55lbs doing 4 sets of 15,12,10,10. After curls I used the EZ bar to perform more curls and did  3 sets of 12,10,8. Using the EZ bar rather then a straight bar in my opinion works alot better. I feel my biceps targeted  a lot harder in the muscle fibers rather than using a straight bar. Then I went on to hammer curls which I just did one set with a 35lbs dumbbell just to get the blood rushing alittle more. After that I was done for the day and went home and immediately made another protein shake to help my muscle’s out with recovery since the muscle is being broken down during training you need a supplement to help feed the muscles immediately so fast acting carbs will also help in this process. Tomorrow is leg day!
NOTE: Make sure with every exercise you perform you SQUEEZE!!!! the muscle your working on. This will help in targeting the muscle deep in the fibers which aid in muscle growth. Make sure you use proper form. You can lift all the weight in the world but poor form can cause injury and will not help you in growing. Anyways I’ll try to make my next post alittle more organized. This was my first post.

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