Thursday, January 3, 2013

Getting the inner pecs up (Chest day)

What's up everyone!!!! Ahhhh another day another muscle to train. Today I destroyed my chest along with my little brother. He is getting back into the gym routine so I'm going with him to help him out alittle bit, but today was my last free guest pass at LA Fitness with him so he is gong to be on his own. I feel like he is going to do great. Anyways as you all SHOULD know by now we started off with a couple of stretches and a few push ups to get the blood pumping through our system. Stay hydrated throughout the training session and go heavy or go home!

 I usually just start off with incline since my upper pecs lack a bit. So I concentrate on inclines. Use mind and muscle connection. You want to mentally picture that muscle you are training squeezing/contracting and you want to picture the blood rushing into that muscle. Blood rushing in will deliver oxygenate blood which your muscles as oxygen. Once your muscles breaks down ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which it uses for energy it will need to replenish it, which will require a large amount of oxygen and that is where the blood flow comes in which usually happens with aeroblic (with oxygen) exercises such as running,with anaerobic (without oxygen) you can produce ATP without oxygen. It also delivers the nutrients your body needs. When you are contracting and putting tension into that muscle you are breaking down the muscle and in order for the muscle to rebuild and recover you need the proper nutrition and supplements. Protein especially since this helps feed, recover, build muscle.

Chest Workout

  • Incline dumbbell bench press: 3 sets of 15,12,10
  • Incline dumbbell flys: 4 sets of 15,12,10, DROPSET till failure
  • Hammer strength incline press: 3 sets of 12,10,10
  • Cable cross overs: 2 sets of (High cable placement)20,15, 1 set (middle) 15, and 1 set of (low cable placement) 15
  • Hammer strength flat presses: 3 sets of 15,12,10
  • Pec dec machine: 3 sets of 15,12,10

Always use weight that YOU can handle. You want to keep the weight at a position where you keep tension in the muscle and you are able to lift it and decend with it. Some people want to be Rambo and try to use weight they can't handle which will compromise their form, leading to injury and just not targeting the muscle correctly. Increase weight every week or so by 5 lbs or 10lbs if you are able to. You don't want to go TO light either.

This is my chest right after the training session. It will be PUMPED all day but will resume its normal posture later on. Yes I gained alittle fat around the waist and stomach because I'm still in my bulking stage (Gaining weight). I will begin to cut once I hit 215 lbs. I'm around 200 lbs now.

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