Monday, June 3, 2013

Chest day with big Mike.

   What's up everyone!! Well today I am updating my blog with yesterday's training session since I had a really great chest workout and left the gym with a sore chest. I also submitted my registration form for NPC Men's Physique this past week. I'm crazy excited about it and can't wait! My dream's are slowly unfolding as days and nights pass by. My life is steadily going really great and nothing can stop me at this point. I want to thank everyone in advance for taking time to read my blogs and posts. If you want to do something in life, go out and get it! Simple as that. If you are getting things handed to you or are expecting people to hand things to you in life then you are living in the wrong planet.

  I trained with my cousin Mike Marcano <------(Link to his Facebook) who has been coaching me and helping me along the way. We went in hard yesterday with chest and a bit of triceps. Remember to always stretch and warm up before performing any exercises. You want your joints loose, not frozen over. I admit there are many times I don't stretch but I will tell YOU! to stretch. Don't wait till you get an injury to find out why you need to stretch. Also make sure to stay hydrated! 

                                                       Chest Training Day!

  • Seated cable crossovers: 4 sets of 15,15,12,10 (Make sure to get the squeeze)
  • Hammer Strength Incline press: 3 sets of 15,12,10
  • Incline dumbbell press: 5 sets of 12,12,10, Drop set, Drop set ( This really had me tired lmao)
  • Hammer strength decline press: 3 sets of 15,15,12
  • Pec Dec Fly Machine: 3 sets of 15,10, 8 (Last set I did one arm at a time)
  • Tricep rope pull downs: 6 sets of 15,12,12,Drop set, Drop set, Drop set
  • I've done some push ups in between some sets to get that blood rushing and to get that pump!

This is pretty much what we did. I went to his gym to do these since my gym doesn't carry Hammer Strength machines (Wack). In all I had a great chest pump and if you have proper form and the correct contraction then your chest will grow. Diet is all a really big key to everything. My diet is on/off at times and I know I should be 100% with my diet but there are times where there isn't enough, so I have to compensate with processed foods at times. I will update once again really soon. Thank you!

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