Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another back day!

Today was a really good back day. I went light though today since I've injured my lower back about two weeks ago while deadlifting. Last set and last rep I decided to round my back and it was a big mistake. I was extremely tired and I thought I could push out one more but it didn't happen lol. I live and I learn. Today I started off my morning with just a protein shake. I'm taking MHP Probolic-SR <--(Link to my  current review on it). It has a sustained release which will be a slow absorption which will feed my muscle's the protein and amino acids I need. I mixed it with a bit of oatmeal to get some carbs in my system to help fuel my body with energy while I'm training. 

Remember!: I say it many times in every post! to stretch and warm up before starting any workout. This will help get the heart pumping blood around the body as well as help loosen those tight joints to help with flexibility and improve range on motion. Plus it helps prevent injury! Make sure to drink plenty of water to help the body stay hydrate and it's just a good health practice. Maintain a good DIET!!! I can't stress this enough. If your diet is not on point then everything else falls apart. About 70% of your physique comes from diet the 30% is the gym and resting. Just go online and look for an ideal nutrition plan or atleast to get an idea of how you should eat and calculate your servings and macro nutrients. I use an app on my phone called MyFitnessPal. It;s great in my opinion, it helps calculate your goals and how much to eat that day when it comes down to calories, carbs and all that good stuff. I tweak it alot since I need to split my meals up but for those of you that are new or don;t know what to do check that app out on your phone IF you are able to get it. If not then just find an app that counts calories.

Back Workout

Lat pulldowns: 3 sets of 15,12,12

Seated cable rows V-grip: 3 sets of 15,12,10

Hammer strength machine low rows: 3 sets of 15,12,8

Hammer strength machine high rows: 3 sets of 16,12,10

Bent over dumbbell rows: 2 sets of 15,12 (Shoulder started to bother)

Reverse pec deck machine: 2 sets of 15,12

If you can add deadlifts in this then go right ahead! But make sure you have proper form! This exercise can damage your back if done wrong. Deadlifts is actually a great exercise next to squats and benching. This targets many parts of the body and it will help with strength gains as well as creating the ideal physique you are personally seeking. I suggest you use a belt to help protect your back and core. 

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