Thursday, October 10, 2013

Did my first NPC Men's Physique Show!

Click Here!For My YouTube Video 5 days Before My NPC Show! Subscribe!!

 What's up everyone!!! Well did my first show! It was a great experience although I didn't make top 5, I am still happy wit where I got my physique and how far I got with it. I'm doing another show Nov 9th. In the meantime I'm making YouTube videos. Click the link above for the last video I made 5 days out from  my first show.  Also follow me on Instagram! : @LivingStrongE

Monday, September 16, 2013

Another YouTube update on my status,Restocked my fridge and a picture of me currently!

CLICK HERE FOR MY YOUTUBE VIDEO! Recorded it after shopping at Walmart...

What's up everyone! Well the link is above this post of my YouTube Channel video. It's an example of how I eat when carbs are reduced low! I will be moody and tired lol but it has to be done. Hopefully you guys learn something from it. Current look below. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Progress Pic plus a new YouTube Vlog

What's up everyone! Well a quick update with a progress pic!

                                               March,2013                    Aug,2013

Alot of cardio added, lifting heavy as always and a strict diet!!! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


What's up everyone. I know I haven't updated in a long time but I'm making mini Vlog videos on YouTube and hopefully soon I get to make training routine videos. I've been so busy with this contest prep and work that I haven't had time to be on here. Visit my Instagram: @LivingStrongE

YouTube link:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chest, tri's and some cardio

          What's up everyone!! Well I know I have been slacking with my posts but I add new posts whenever I can. October 5th is getting close for my first show and I've been hitting it a bit harder at the gym lately. Diet hasn't been to bad and it could of been a whole lot better but what I mess up this year will be next year's strong point. Today was probably one of the best training I've done with chest even though my cousin was not there to give me a spot lol but he has done his part in my training. 

          I started of with a pre-workout drink since I was falling asleep at the gym lol. Once I got that in my system, I went and stretched out for a bit. I didn't get enough water in my system today to be honest. 

                                                         Training Routine!

  • Cable Chest Flyes: 3 sets of 18,18,12 ( I use this exercise to warm up since my shoulder's suck but I hit it hard)
  • Dumbbell Incline Chest Press: 5 sets of 12,10,8,drop set,drop set
  • Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 12,10,7
  • Pec Dec Fly Machine: 3 sets of 12,10,8
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 4 sets of 12,10,10,8 (On the final set I go till failure then switch my hand position to chest presses and hit it till failure.)
  • Tricep Cable Push Downs: 4 sets f 15,12,12, Dropset
  • 25 mins on the elliptical machine (Cardio)

         I've started to add alot of drop sets into my routine and I've seen some pretty decent results at the end of the training session. I take maybe a 30-45 sec break in between and it's not to bad. If you need a spot please go around the gym and find yourself a spotter. Last thing you want is a dumbbell dropping on your face. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another day at the gym.

    What's up everyone! Haven't been on here for a while. Training and dieting has been alright but could be alot better. I've been slacking to be honest and it's only affecting my results. I've got my NPC card to compete this year in Oct. Life has been decent to me even thought there will be some up and downs along the way. In all I think it will be a great experience which I can't wait for! Whether I place 1st or last, this will give me an idea of what to do next year. With the help of my cousin Mike Marcano who is also competing this year, I've been on track. 

     Today I did chest along with some tricep's and calves. I was pretty tired when I stepped foot in the gym so I took my pre workout drink and sat around for 15 mins till it kicked in. I spent like 2 mins stretching and then once my headphones went in my ears the game was on. 

                                                                     Training Routine:

  • Cable Chest Flyes: 3 sets of 12,10,8 (Squeeze that chest! Idk how many times I tell people to contract their chest which really is the whole point of any exercise.)
  • Dumbbell Chest Press: 5 sets of 12,10,8,drop set(failure),drop set(failure). 
  • barbell bench press: 3 sets of 12,10,3 ( I only did 3 because I did 275 lbs.)
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 3 sets of 12,10,8. After I reach the targeted number of reps, I convert the flyes into presses till failure.
  • Pec-Dec Machine Flyes: 3 sets of 12,12,10.
  • Tricep Cable Push Downs: 4 sets of 12,10,8,drop set (failure)
  • Seated Calf Raises: 4 sets all to failure!

  Well as you can see I started going back to my 12,10,8 rep ranges. With the help of my cousin, we came into conclusion that I need to start lifting a bit heavier again. If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. Hope these routines help those have an idea of what to do in the gym. I'm not saying do the exact same thing I do, just use it as a baseline of an idea of what to do. Everyone has a different goal and body, you have to find what works for YOU!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Chest day with big Mike.

   What's up everyone!! Well today I am updating my blog with yesterday's training session since I had a really great chest workout and left the gym with a sore chest. I also submitted my registration form for NPC Men's Physique this past week. I'm crazy excited about it and can't wait! My dream's are slowly unfolding as days and nights pass by. My life is steadily going really great and nothing can stop me at this point. I want to thank everyone in advance for taking time to read my blogs and posts. If you want to do something in life, go out and get it! Simple as that. If you are getting things handed to you or are expecting people to hand things to you in life then you are living in the wrong planet.

  I trained with my cousin Mike Marcano <------(Link to his Facebook) who has been coaching me and helping me along the way. We went in hard yesterday with chest and a bit of triceps. Remember to always stretch and warm up before performing any exercises. You want your joints loose, not frozen over. I admit there are many times I don't stretch but I will tell YOU! to stretch. Don't wait till you get an injury to find out why you need to stretch. Also make sure to stay hydrated! 

                                                       Chest Training Day!

  • Seated cable crossovers: 4 sets of 15,15,12,10 (Make sure to get the squeeze)
  • Hammer Strength Incline press: 3 sets of 15,12,10
  • Incline dumbbell press: 5 sets of 12,12,10, Drop set, Drop set ( This really had me tired lmao)
  • Hammer strength decline press: 3 sets of 15,15,12
  • Pec Dec Fly Machine: 3 sets of 15,10, 8 (Last set I did one arm at a time)
  • Tricep rope pull downs: 6 sets of 15,12,12,Drop set, Drop set, Drop set
  • I've done some push ups in between some sets to get that blood rushing and to get that pump!

This is pretty much what we did. I went to his gym to do these since my gym doesn't carry Hammer Strength machines (Wack). In all I had a great chest pump and if you have proper form and the correct contraction then your chest will grow. Diet is all a really big key to everything. My diet is on/off at times and I know I should be 100% with my diet but there are times where there isn't enough, so I have to compensate with processed foods at times. I will update once again really soon. Thank you!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

You either reach failure or go home today.

   What's up everyone!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a while since I have updated my page. I've been busy lately and my personal training career isn't going bad. My first show is coming up real soon in October and I'm ready to purchase the registration form for the NPC Men's Physique in two weeks and I'm nervous and excited as hell at the same time! I'm not gonna lie, my training has been great lately but my diet has been on and off (clean & dirty). Though my diet hasn't been on point, I've gained 40 lbs since I came up from Florida. Cardio has been added to my routines everyday and abs I do it whenever I feel like it.

    I want to thank my cousin, best friend and coach Mike Marcano <----(Facebook page) for being there every single fucking step of the way in getting myself into this show. He has helped me out with supplementation from MHP and MuscleMeds <----- (Facebook pages). These supplements have been a big part of my everyday life and has helped better my physique. He has also been there to help me push out those last reps when I needed the motivation. He has done to much and I really thank you! (if you are reading this lol). 

  Today I killed chest, shoulder's and calves. I had to drink my pre-workout since I was SHOT today. I was extremely tired, so in order to wake up I take a pre workout 20 mins before training. After it started to kick in (skin felt tingly from the beta alanine) I mixed my BCAA's Amino Decanate Lime flavor which I take during my training. So once I was done running around the gym preparing all this, I went and foam rolled my back and stretched out my body to warm up a bit.

                                                         My training routine for today!

  •  Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises- 3 sets of 15,12,failure. I started with rear delts since I lack in the area, so it is always best IMO to start of with your weak or lagging parts.
  • Standing Side Delt Dumbbell Raises- 3 sets of 15,12,failure.
  • Standing Front Delt Dumbbell Raises- 3 sets of 12,10,failure.
  • Military Presses- 3 sets of 15,12,failure.
  • Standing DB Trap Raises/Shrugs- 4 sets of 15,12,failure, dropset and burnout.
  • Incline DB Chest Press- 12,10,failure.
  • Cable Chest Flyes (I've switched the positions after 3 sets since the cable positions are adjustable) 3 sets of 15,12,failure (High Position), 3 sets of 15,12,failure (Lower Position).
  • Cable Side Delt Raises (One Arm At A Time)- 3 sets of 13,12,failure.
  • Pec Dec Machine Flyes- 3 sets of 15,15,failure
  • Seated Clave Raises- 3 sets of failure.
  • 35 mins of cardio (10 mins on the stair master) (25 mins on the elliptical)

   I've hit chest atleast twice a week, Triceps two-three times a week, Rear delts twice a week, Calves 3-4 times a week. I basically hit everything ATLEAST twice a week now. I want to bring everything out a bit more. With this type of training supplementation and diet is critical for full recovery but since diet is expensive $$$$$$$ I do with what I have. Supplements I'm pretty good with for now. I've still got a lot of work to do and I won't stop till the day I walk on that stage. In all I want to thank everyone who takes a bit of time to read my blogs and I want to thank all of those who have supported me and haven't stopped supporting me. I will keep in touch with another update soon! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Killing Shoulders!

     What's up everyone! Today was a rainy day early in the morning and then turned to a pretty nice sunny day in the afternoon. I got up early today to go hit the gym since I'm off from work today. Even though it has been a month and a half or so of working where I work at, it has been a cool job as a personal trainer. I'm trying really hard to get into a really lean shape but with alittle mass. So I'm still bulking up for a couple more weeks till I feel like I've reached my targeted weight goal.                              
                                                             This is my current look

      Today was a shoulder day for me although I did add one or two extra body parts in the routine since I need to tweak a couple of parts. As always I started my training with foam rolling and stretching. After I got a good stretch, I started my body off with pull ups to get the blood running and warm myself up.

                                                                Shoulder Routine:

Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raises: 3 sets of 20,15,12 reps. I usually turn my hands in at the top of the exercise with the pinky pointing up so my rear delts feel it. ( I will soon add pics or a video on how to do this.)

Standing Side Dumbbell Delt Raises: 4 sets of 15,12,12,failure. Elbows will lead in the exercise not your arm!

Front Delt Dumbbell Raises: 3 sets of 15,12,10

Dumbbell Shrugs (Traps): 3 sets of 20,15,15 

Machine Military Presses: 3 sets of 15,20,15

Cable Chest Fly: 3 sets of 15,15,15. ( I went light today since I did chest already this week. I just wanted to touch up on the top inner part of the pecs)

Hanging Leg Raises (Abs): 4 sets of 16,16,16,16

             As you see I added a chest exercise into the routine. I wouldn't recommend it for most people since you want to let that part of the body rest for a couple of days after training it. Since I need it and I take supplements to help with recovery, I do it but with moderate weight. 

             Remember DIET!!! is a big role when it comes to how you look. If you don't watch what you eat or don't care then your body isn't gonna care either and will form into something you don't want to look like. Right now I am medium on protein and carbs. I still haven't counted my macro's (Calorie intake from protein,carbs,fats). I will start very soon especially when i start to cut down. I've got a scale that will measure my food so I can get a some what accurate reading on its nutritional value. 

                                                 This is what I'm eating while I was typing

                                      Sweet Potato with 3 mini corn on the cob with light butter.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Arm Blast!

Hey what's up everyone! Well thank God it's Monday! Today was a really good day at work today . I actually got my workout in before I actually train any of my clients. I usually come into work 2 hours early to give me a good window of time to do my training with ease and not in so much of a rush. The weather outside started of with rain then it started to snow as I walked out of work! It was a beautiful view to be honest. I can see the NY skyline from across the Hudson and at night with the snow coming down it's just a pleasing view. I walked to the train station with a smile in my face while I see everyone else rushing coming out of the train station all rushing to go home. I happily strolled to the station just enjoying the music in my ears (iPod) and just thinking about my future. Below is a picture of what is going on outside right now. 

Anyways I started of my training session with a foam roller! This thing cracks my back and gives the cheapest but very relaxing massage to my back. You can actually foam roll other body parts but I'm gonna have to YouTube it or something because I might need alittle more info on how to actually do them. After foam rolling I stretched my entire body to prevent injury, plus it just feels good. So many people feel stiff and just ache because they hardly ever stretch. I promise you if you stretch in the A.M when you wake up and maybe 30 mins before you go to sleep, you will feel a whole lot better.

I started off with pull ups to get the blood pumping around my body and also warm up my shoulders since I have a previous injury which still lingers around.

                                                                      Arm Routine!

  • Tricep Cable Push Downs: 4 sets of 18,15,12,10 reps,Then I drop set and just go till failure.
  • E-Z Bar Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 15,12,10 reps.
  • Barbell Bicep Curls: (Yes I used the squat rack to do curls. Gym was empty, so who cares) I did 4 sets of 15,12,10,8
  • Incline Bench Bicep Dumbbell Curls: 3 sets of 12,10,8
  • E-Z Bar Preacher Curls: 3 sets of 15,12,10
              ^  SUPER SET WITH^

  • Rear Delt Raises: 3 sets of 20,20,15 ( I need more work on my rear delts so I added them into the routine today).
  • Seated Calf Raises: 4 sets of 25,20,20,15
              ^SUPER SET WITH^

  • Hanging Leg Raises (Abs): 4 sets of 15,15,15,15

Well this is my routine for today! Remember to watch your form when doing these exercises. Elbow placement makes a big difference! I added some exercises in my routine since I lack in some areas, so I will continue to add them throughout the week to help bring them out alittle more.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

You guess it! Chest day!

      What's up everyone! Well I know the previous post before this was on chest. I really didn't have to much time to type up the other workouts I've performed this week. Like I said before I will try my best to update as much as I can. Since I plan on competing sometime in October, I've been taking MHP Up Your Mass to help get in extra calories into my system since I really have no money to spend on a really 'Perfect" diet. I have other family member's that live with me so they all have to eat to. I do the best I can with what I have. Time has been really rough for me in life lately and I have been feeling down. This motivates me to love the weights even more and concentrate harder on competing. Going to the gym helps me for that moment relax and really forget about everything. I know this really has not to much to do  "training" in your opinion, but it in reality all the problems I've had in life has been the foundation to what I am trying to accomplish now. 
     Though inside I am feeling down, I wake up every morning and thank God for everything. I couldn't have also done it without Mike Marcano who has coached me, helped me out with supplements, and has guided me through the gym and life outside the gym. I also have to thank everyone else in my family! Remember don't take nothing for granted in life. As easy as it's handed to you, it can easily be taken away.

  Started today of with some stretching and pull ups to get warmed up and loosened up. Also used BCAA's to get my amino acids running in my system while I train. 

                                                                  Chest Training Routine!

  • Cable chest flys- 4 sets using 45lbs to 80lbs with a rep range from 12-15. We adjusted the cable's to target different parts of the pec's.
  • Push ups- Till failure
  • DB Incline Chest Press- 5 sets using dumbbells 65lbs, 105lbs, 95lbs, 85lbs, and 60lbs. Used a rep range form 15-25. 
  • Pec Dec Machine- (One hand at a time) Did 2 sets using 90lbs and 180lbs using reps of 15 and 20.

Today was a quick day but with enough weight and volume to get a really good training session in. 


  • Stretch before every workout
  • Stay well hydrated!
  • Control the weight! Don't let the weight control you!
  • Contract (flex) the muscle you are targeting!
  • If you can get a really good workout partner, get one! They can help you stay motivated and help push those last forced reps!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chest Day!

What's up everyone! Been a while since I've wrote on here. I've been busy at the gym either training hard or training with my clients ever since I got certified to personal train. I'm still in my bulking stage for maybe another 5 weeks depending on how I feel. I've reached 205 lbs and maybe want to gain another 5-7 lbs before I start my cutting stage. I plan on competing this year for Men's Physique so all b.s I pushed to the side and I'm just concentrating on my dreams. People can support me or they can hate and still watch me succeed. Life has been slowly going really great for me and I plan on sticking in the new road I've picked.

Today I went to the gym and trained chest. Today my edit lacked alot since I woke up extremely late in the day. I just drank a protein shake and a pre-work out and headed out the door. I stretched for maybe 3 mins before starting. My gym also have foam rollers!!!!. This thing cracks and releases pressure on my back and I use it everyday. I feel like a new person after I use the foam roller and I suggest people use it to help with a stiff back.  After stretching, I got my shaker cup and filled it with water and some BCAA's which is amino acids I use while I workout. 

Chest Routine:

  • Incline Dumbbell Presses: 15 reps of 95 lbs DB's (on each hand), 12 reps of 100 lbs DB's (each hand), 8 reps of 105 lbs DB's (on each hand), and 12 reps with 65lbs DB's which I concentrated on the NEGATIVE (going down with the weight) portion on the exercise.
  • Cable Chest Flys: 20 reps of 40 lbs each side, 15 reps of 50 lbs each hand, 15 reps of 60 lbs each side. 
  • Incline Press (Hammer strength looking machine): 2 sets of 15 reps. I used 80 lbs plates on each side.
  • Pec Dec Machine: 3 sets of 15. I used 150lbs and kept it like that for all sets.
I felt like I could have done more but my shoulder was bothering me so I decided to listen to my body since I leave my ego at the front entrance. After I was done with my chest workouts I did 4 sets of Hanging Leg Raises. I did 15 reps for each set.


  • Make sure to always stretch before training! and always start with a warm up set.
  • Stay hydrated!
  • Always squeeze! (FLEX) the muscle you are working on. You want to feel the contraction on that muscle.
  • Listen to your body. If you feel like you're hurting in a bad way then just stop!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Officially a Certified Personal Trainer!!

 I am now a Certified Personal Trainer!!!!!!! I been waiting a long time to become certified and I made it happen!! lol sorry I haven't been updating my blog lately, but I will start again soon. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Very light and short leg day.

What's up everyone! Today I had a really short, simple and very light leg day. Since I had my back injury from deadlifting about 2-3 weeks ago I am limited in exercises that don't put any pressure or tension on my lower back. I would of loved to squat today but since squats does have an impact on the lower back, I will stay away from it for a month or so. I also wear a belt with every single workout I perform everyday. 

As always I began my training session with stretches. Legs are probably the most energy draining rigorous body part to train IN MY OPINION!. After a set of squats I just want to go home and sleep lol. You would also feel the pain when contracting which is what you want to feel when training. Good pain is blood rushing into that muscle as you put tension on it and squeeze it. You don't want to feel bad pain which is pain that feels like you are gonna break your legs or get tendinitis or bursitis. So to prevent injury make sure you stretch and warm those legs up.

Light leg day

  • Leg extension machine: 4 sets of 20,20,20,20 
  • Sitting leg curls: 4 sets of 20,20,20,15
  • Standing calf raises: 4 sets of 20,20,12,10
Like I said this was the shortest training session I had but atleast I got some type of training done for my legs. 20 min training session is better than sitting in the couch all day not doing shit. I also did a 10 min cardio session since I need to start burning some fat I am acquiring from bulking. 

PLEASE! always stretch and hydrate. Work your way up to heavier weights every week or so. Don't try to be Rambo and do to heavy. You must first master your posture/form then work your way up on getting your strength up and stabilizing the weight/equipment first before you go up on weights and adding power. So strengthen that muscle before working it to its maximum potential. You will reduce injury by alot.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Getting the inner pecs up (Chest day)

What's up everyone!!!! Ahhhh another day another muscle to train. Today I destroyed my chest along with my little brother. He is getting back into the gym routine so I'm going with him to help him out alittle bit, but today was my last free guest pass at LA Fitness with him so he is gong to be on his own. I feel like he is going to do great. Anyways as you all SHOULD know by now we started off with a couple of stretches and a few push ups to get the blood pumping through our system. Stay hydrated throughout the training session and go heavy or go home!

 I usually just start off with incline since my upper pecs lack a bit. So I concentrate on inclines. Use mind and muscle connection. You want to mentally picture that muscle you are training squeezing/contracting and you want to picture the blood rushing into that muscle. Blood rushing in will deliver oxygenate blood which your muscles as oxygen. Once your muscles breaks down ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which it uses for energy it will need to replenish it, which will require a large amount of oxygen and that is where the blood flow comes in which usually happens with aeroblic (with oxygen) exercises such as running,with anaerobic (without oxygen) you can produce ATP without oxygen. It also delivers the nutrients your body needs. When you are contracting and putting tension into that muscle you are breaking down the muscle and in order for the muscle to rebuild and recover you need the proper nutrition and supplements. Protein especially since this helps feed, recover, build muscle.

Chest Workout

  • Incline dumbbell bench press: 3 sets of 15,12,10
  • Incline dumbbell flys: 4 sets of 15,12,10, DROPSET till failure
  • Hammer strength incline press: 3 sets of 12,10,10
  • Cable cross overs: 2 sets of (High cable placement)20,15, 1 set (middle) 15, and 1 set of (low cable placement) 15
  • Hammer strength flat presses: 3 sets of 15,12,10
  • Pec dec machine: 3 sets of 15,12,10

Always use weight that YOU can handle. You want to keep the weight at a position where you keep tension in the muscle and you are able to lift it and decend with it. Some people want to be Rambo and try to use weight they can't handle which will compromise their form, leading to injury and just not targeting the muscle correctly. Increase weight every week or so by 5 lbs or 10lbs if you are able to. You don't want to go TO light either.

This is my chest right after the training session. It will be PUMPED all day but will resume its normal posture later on. Yes I gained alittle fat around the waist and stomach because I'm still in my bulking stage (Gaining weight). I will begin to cut once I hit 215 lbs. I'm around 200 lbs now.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another back day!

Today was a really good back day. I went light though today since I've injured my lower back about two weeks ago while deadlifting. Last set and last rep I decided to round my back and it was a big mistake. I was extremely tired and I thought I could push out one more but it didn't happen lol. I live and I learn. Today I started off my morning with just a protein shake. I'm taking MHP Probolic-SR <--(Link to my  current review on it). It has a sustained release which will be a slow absorption which will feed my muscle's the protein and amino acids I need. I mixed it with a bit of oatmeal to get some carbs in my system to help fuel my body with energy while I'm training. 

Remember!: I say it many times in every post! to stretch and warm up before starting any workout. This will help get the heart pumping blood around the body as well as help loosen those tight joints to help with flexibility and improve range on motion. Plus it helps prevent injury! Make sure to drink plenty of water to help the body stay hydrate and it's just a good health practice. Maintain a good DIET!!! I can't stress this enough. If your diet is not on point then everything else falls apart. About 70% of your physique comes from diet the 30% is the gym and resting. Just go online and look for an ideal nutrition plan or atleast to get an idea of how you should eat and calculate your servings and macro nutrients. I use an app on my phone called MyFitnessPal. It;s great in my opinion, it helps calculate your goals and how much to eat that day when it comes down to calories, carbs and all that good stuff. I tweak it alot since I need to split my meals up but for those of you that are new or don;t know what to do check that app out on your phone IF you are able to get it. If not then just find an app that counts calories.

Back Workout

Lat pulldowns: 3 sets of 15,12,12

Seated cable rows V-grip: 3 sets of 15,12,10

Hammer strength machine low rows: 3 sets of 15,12,8

Hammer strength machine high rows: 3 sets of 16,12,10

Bent over dumbbell rows: 2 sets of 15,12 (Shoulder started to bother)

Reverse pec deck machine: 2 sets of 15,12

If you can add deadlifts in this then go right ahead! But make sure you have proper form! This exercise can damage your back if done wrong. Deadlifts is actually a great exercise next to squats and benching. This targets many parts of the body and it will help with strength gains as well as creating the ideal physique you are personally seeking. I suggest you use a belt to help protect your back and core. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting the New Year off with arms!

Well I want to start of by saying Happy New Years to everyone out there! It's nothing but a blessing from God to allow us to start another year in our lives and I want to give thanks to him because without faith, I wouldn't have any motivation to keep going in life even when I'm at the lowest point. Anyways today I had my cousin with me as we worked on arms together. If you can get a partner I suggest you do. Having someone there to help you push or force those last reps will have its effect's of muscle building in a really good way. Also check out my cousin's FaceBook transformation page as he is currently updating it. Has really good info in there (Link):

Well today was a chilly day out but even when it;s cold you need to maintain hydration every single day. I also had my morning protein shake that I mixed with oatmeal to get some carbs in me since I was in a hurry to get to the gym. Along with that I took my pre workout drink to get that pump I need to transform into a beast in the gym. We started off with a couple of stretches and couple of burpees and push ups to get our blood pumping. REMEMBER: Always stretch and warm up with some push ups or pull ups or just cardio to help get the blood pumping and help loosen the joints to help avoid injury! Always use weight that you can handle and be able to maintain and stabilize as you ascend (Concentric) and Decend (Eccentric)


Tricep rope pull downs: 4 sets of 15,12,12,failure

Tricep pull downs with underhand grip: 4 sets: 15,12,10,failure

Tricep one arm dumbbell extensions: 3 sets 15,12,12

Bicep incline bench dumbbell curls: 4 sets of 15,12,10,failure

Bicep preacher dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 15,12,failure

Bicep E-Z bar curls: 3 sets of 15,12,10

We wanted to do more but the gym closed early today so we did what we could but got a good training session in. You must contract you muscle at it's peak to allow the blood to rush in that muscle and help break down those muscle fibers. Once you are done training you can take a post workout protein shake to help aid in muscle repair and recovery and help with hypertrophy. In order to get your ideal physique or goal you need to watch your diet! it's a MUST! you have to watch your calorie, carbs , and protein intake or it will have its bad effects on your body and goals. You cannot balance a bad diet with going to the gym. Anyways everyone has a good start to the New Year! I will update pretty soon. Thank you for visiting and reading!