Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting the New Year off with arms!

Well I want to start of by saying Happy New Years to everyone out there! It's nothing but a blessing from God to allow us to start another year in our lives and I want to give thanks to him because without faith, I wouldn't have any motivation to keep going in life even when I'm at the lowest point. Anyways today I had my cousin with me as we worked on arms together. If you can get a partner I suggest you do. Having someone there to help you push or force those last reps will have its effect's of muscle building in a really good way. Also check out my cousin's FaceBook transformation page as he is currently updating it. Has really good info in there (Link):https://www.facebook.com/MHPTransformation

Well today was a chilly day out but even when it;s cold you need to maintain hydration every single day. I also had my morning protein shake that I mixed with oatmeal to get some carbs in me since I was in a hurry to get to the gym. Along with that I took my pre workout drink to get that pump I need to transform into a beast in the gym. We started off with a couple of stretches and couple of burpees and push ups to get our blood pumping. REMEMBER: Always stretch and warm up with some push ups or pull ups or just cardio to help get the blood pumping and help loosen the joints to help avoid injury! Always use weight that you can handle and be able to maintain and stabilize as you ascend (Concentric) and Decend (Eccentric)


Tricep rope pull downs: 4 sets of 15,12,12,failure

Tricep pull downs with underhand grip: 4 sets: 15,12,10,failure

Tricep one arm dumbbell extensions: 3 sets 15,12,12

Bicep incline bench dumbbell curls: 4 sets of 15,12,10,failure

Bicep preacher dumbbell curls: 3 sets of 15,12,failure

Bicep E-Z bar curls: 3 sets of 15,12,10

We wanted to do more but the gym closed early today so we did what we could but got a good training session in. You must contract you muscle at it's peak to allow the blood to rush in that muscle and help break down those muscle fibers. Once you are done training you can take a post workout protein shake to help aid in muscle repair and recovery and help with hypertrophy. In order to get your ideal physique or goal you need to watch your diet! it's a MUST! you have to watch your calorie, carbs , and protein intake or it will have its bad effects on your body and goals. You cannot balance a bad diet with going to the gym. Anyways everyone has a good start to the New Year! I will update pretty soon. Thank you for visiting and reading! 

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